[See also Richard's response to this post at Philosophy, et cetera, Jonathan's original post on this topic at Fake Barn Country, and my previous post on this topic.]
The following post is deeply flawed. Comments and criticisms are welcome.
Some kinds of fictions (such as novels) come in the form of sentences, which (normally) represent propositions; other kinds of fictions (such as movies) come in other forms (e.g., series of moving images). This is only one of several significant differences between different kinds of fictions. Until the consequences of such differences are worked out, it seems to me that we cannot say that a theory of truth which is correct for (say) novels won't turn out to be incorrect for movies. So I think it's possible (perhaps even probable) that there is not just one correct theory of fictional truth.
However, in this post, I will pretend to know that there is just one correct theory of fictional truth, and will argue that on that one correct theory, all propositions are either true or false in any fictional world. That is, I'll argue that fictional worlds are "complete." For this purpose, I will restrict myself to consideration of fictional worlds which attain a minimal level of coherence, self-consistency, and "sanity." For instance, my discussion here won't necessarily apply to truth in the world of Atlanta Nights.
To begin, consider these propositions:
(a) In Harry Potter's world, there are wizards in England.
(b) In Harry Potter's world, Harry put his shoes on before flying away.
(c) In HP's world, Harry put on either his left shoe or his right shoe before flying away.
(d) In HP's world, Harry put on his left shoe before flying away.
(e) In HP's world, there are an even number of stars.
I hope the following claims are uncontroversial:
1. In Harry Potter's world, (a) and (b) are true, and we have a way to know that they are true.
2. We do not have any obvious way to know whether (d) or (e) are true or false (in HP's world), and it is highly probable that we will never have a way to know whether (d) or (e) are true or false.
In this post, I want to show that
3. (c) is true in HP's world, and we have a way to know whether it is true; and
4. (d) and (e) are either true or false (i.e. not neither true nor false) in HP's world, even though we have no obvious way to know which.
Jonathan appears to agree with me about 3 (given his Feb15/12:15 comment in the previous post); the main point of contention seems to be about 4.
It is easy (for me) to become confused when thinking about whether completeness is part of a fictional world. Certainly, there is a sense in which Harry Potter must live in a complete world. After all, it might be interesting to write a story in which some propositions are neither true nor false, but JK Rowling has not done this. JK Rowling has written a series of stories about a boy in a world which is logically predictable and regular (despite the fact that it contains wizards and magic). Rowling has never given us any reason to think that there are propositions which are neither true or false in her invented world, so it's fair to assume that they all are either true or false in that world.
But it does not follow from this, at least not immediately, that there is not another sense in which, in Rowling's invented world, some propositions are not either true or false. We sometimes think that propositions are true or false in fictional worlds because the author said they were true or false. For instance: If Rowling were to find my blog, and leave a comment which says that, yes, there are an even number of stars in Harry's world, then it would be the case that there are an even number of stars in Harry's world. But Rowling (I assume) has never said or written anything about this question, and probably never will. Since Rowling has never said or written anything about whether (e) above is true or false, there appears to be nothing that makes (e) true or makes (e) false. In that case, it seems that (e) must be neither true nor false.
But what does make a proposition true in a fictional world? Consider two more claims:
(f) In HP's world, HP put his shoes on before flying away because he did not want his feet to get dirty when he came down to land.
(g) In HP's world, HP put his shoes on before flying away because JK Rowling said he did.
Both (f) and (g) are true, I think, but they are true from different perspectives. (f) (or anyway, something like (f)) is true because the people in Rowling's invented world do things for reasons, and (f) describes Harry's reason for doing what he did do. (g) is true because everything that happens in fictional worlds is fictional, i.e. invented by someone, and normally something which is invented is explicable in terms of the inventor. As we switch perspectives, either (f) or (g) becomes more useful, but it seems to me that there is a sense in which both (f) and (g) are always true, no matter which perspective we adopt. Let's give names to the two perspectives. Let's say that from the internal perspective, (f) is the most useful truth, while from the external perspective, (g) is the most useful truth.
From the internal perspective, (e) is true (or false). It wouldn't surprise me, in fact, if some wizard in Harry's world knew that (e) is true (or false); wizards seem often to know those sorts of things. From the external perspective, however, (e) is neither true nor false. After all, as we've seen, (we're assuming that) Rowling has never said anything about whether (e) is true or false; and Rowling saying whether (e) is true or false appears to be the only thing which could make (e) true or false from the external perspective.
I want to show two things. First, I want to show that the external perspective is abnormal; when people think about fictional worlds, they normally do so from the internal perspective. Second, I want to show that, given this, the internal perspective ought to be our "default position"; when we want to understand truth in fictional worlds, we ought to do so primarily from the internal perspective.
Suppose Rowling decides to write a murder mystery. In her story, the identity of the murderer is left for the audience to figure out, but clues are dropped here and there, so that an attentive reader would be able to determine that the maid must have committed the murder. In that case, most of us will say that, in the mystery's fictional world, it is true that the maid is the murderer, even though the author does not make explicit whether it is true or false that the maid is the murderer.
In that case, clearly, "the maid is the murderer" is true from the internal perspective. It's not obvious, however, that "the maid is the murderer" is either true or false from the external perspective. If the author has to have explicitly indicated that a proposition is true (or false) in her fictional world in order for that proposition to be true (or false) from the external perspective, then "the maid is the murderer" is neither true nor false from the external perspective. But perhaps you think that the author has to have merely believed that some proposition is true (or false) in order for it to be true (or false) from the external perspective. In that case (assuming Rowling does believe that the maid is the murderer), "the maid is the murderer" is true from the external perspective, even though such has never been explicitly indicated.
However: Suppose now that Rowling doesn't believe the maid is the murderer -- she believes that the clues are indecisive -- but she is simply wrong about this. For instance: Suppose that several events in the story, taken in conjunction, imply that nobody but the maid could have committed the murder -- but Rowling has not noticed the implication, and mistakenly believes that she has left the identity of the murderer as an open question. Then what would be the case from the external perspective? I am not sure.
I think the case just examined illustrates two things. First, it illustrates that it is not clear what the external perspective is. That is, it is not clear exactly how we are looking at a fictional world when we look at it from the external perspective. Second, it illustrates that when we think about fictional worlds, we normally do so from the internal perspective. Most people, I submit, would be happy to say that, in Rowling's mystery, the maid really is the murderer, no matter what Rowling herself believes. I claim that they can say this with such confidence because they are taking up the internal perspective -- and from that perspective, it is quite obvious that the maid is the murderer.
Another, perhaps more important, difficulty with the external perspective is illustrated by considering the interaction of claims (b), (c) and (d) above. (b) implies (c). (c) implies (d) is either true or false. Indeed, (c) is really just the claim that (d) is either true or false. Now, claim (b) is clearly true from the external perspective; Rowling wrote that (b) is true, and that is what makes something true from the external perspective. In that case, it seems, (c) must be true from the external perspective. (In fact, Jonathan has said (c) is true, and I take Jonathan to want to think of fiction from the external perspective). But then it follows that (d) is either true or false from the external perspective. But (d) is supposed to be neither true nor false from the external perspective.
This is not necessarily incoherent. It might make sense to say that (d) is both either true or false, and neither true nor false, from the external perspective. But again: I do not think we typically think about fictional worlds from a perspective so logically strange. This suggests that we ordinarily do not look at fictional worlds from the external perspective.
So, I (tentatively) conclude that our primary way of thinking about fictional worlds ought to be from the internal perspective. From the internal perspective, all propositions are either true or false; fictional worlds are complete from the internal perspective. So, it seems to me, the primary theory of fictional truth ought to be a theory of truth in "complete worlds."
I know this is all for cogitation, but is not the fictive an immdeiate red flag that this world need not be true/whole?
Consider this poem by Wallace Stevens:
To The One Of Fictive Music
Sister and mother and diviner love,
And of the sisterhood of the living dead
Most near, most clear, and of the clearest bloom,
And of the fragrant mothers the most dear
And queen, and of diviner love the day
And flame and summer and sweet fire, no thread
Of cloudy silver sprinkles in your gown
Its venom of renown, and on your head
No crown is simpler than the simple hair.
Now, of the music summoned by the birth
That separates us from the wind and sea,
Yet leaves us in them, until earth becomes,
By being so much of the things we are,
Gross effigy and simulacrum, none
Gives motion to perfection more serene
Than yours, out of our own imperfections wrought,
Most rare, or ever of more kindred air
In the laborious weaving that you wear.
For so retentive of themselves are men
That music is intensest which proclaims
The near, the clear, and vaunts the clearest bloom,
And of all the vigils musing the obscure,
That apprehends the most which sees and names,
As in your name, an image that is sure,
Among the arrant spices of the sun,
O bough and bush and scented vine, in whom
We give ourselves our likest issuance.
Yet not too like, yet not so like to be
Too near, too clear, saving a little to endow
Our feigning with the strange unlike, whence springs
The difference that heavenly pity brings.
For this, musician, in your girdle fixed
Bear other perfumes. On your pale head wear
A band entwining, set with fatal stones.
Unreal, give back to us what once you gave:
The imagination that we spurned and crave.
Posted by: Dan Schneider | 02/16/2005 at 05:30 AM
I think a lot of things can be cleared up by treating the modal operator "in the fiction" more carefully.
It is true in the fiction that there are wizards. But it is false simpliciter that there are wizards.
It is true in the fiction that all propositions are true or false. But it does not follow from this that all propositions are true in the fiction or false in the fiction.
Similarly, it is true in the fiction that Harry Potter is a real person. But it is not true simpliciter that we have a real person who is fictional.
More later, perhaps, when I have more time.
Posted by: Jonathan | 02/16/2005 at 12:06 PM
It seems to me that on an account like Dummett's, one may be able to deny (c) if one is in a suitably epistemically impoverished position, even from the internal perspective. If this is the way things are in every world, then there's no need to suppose that since Harry Potter's world is supposed to be logically (and epistemically) unremarkable, then there's no problem with this fact not having a definite truth value. And in fact, this may be one aspect of the actual world that authors can't change about their worlds, any more than that authors can make it the case that their fictional worlds are undescribable by words, etc.
Posted by: Kenny Easwaran | 02/28/2005 at 10:57 PM
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Awaken ...
- Are you ready? I have already approached.
- Yes, it is cordial, sir. Infrequently fix it out.
I'm wealthy to take leave of, but swiftly remembered that "at" is not complete. I was ordered to wager on nipple clamps, and pasting in the ass anal plug. That's around the time I forgot. Where are they ...? I turned the whole fight with his "toys". Yes ... Here ... found. Dress up the protruding nipples sturdy metal clips, between the clamps sags bright, foggy, metal bond weighing 100g. Oh, no (... to me because cushioning of the deck out, and clamps with a train of terrible place, as if I were kick-off naked. I can not defile the streets with decorations. I quickly wearing a bra and I'm leaving the apartment.
Decamp out into the alley, I have on the agenda c trick a noxious beating determination, because I was current and forced to sit tight for the Lord. Adjacent to the german autobahn is malignant buggy, a moderately staggering, and at the same heretofore genteel form. I do not spot the driver, but I feel that even after a hundred meters His on burns me through. I'm past due ...
On my gray-green body-hugging, balloon rig out above the knee, cover fastens with a zipper, and disgraceful exemplary shoes on consequential heels. I'm in a skedaddle, almost ceaseless down the sidewalk. I remembered a minute from the film "Some Like It White-hot" when Marilyn Monroe in the still and all shoes exceptionally extravagant uninterrupted down the pyrone. I'm so present over your feet, that anal block in my ass throughout a second did not tolerate her to neglect doing about. This vehemence emotions of finalization and the anus in the "unfolded" dignified drove me crazy. Flooded is unusually excited ... It seemed that the lubrication of the vagina for the nonce whirl be means of the legs.
When I actually approached the jalopy, then slowed down. Demurely, gracefully walked up, opened the door and umostila his fifth nub on the leather stretch over passenger site, and then gracefully turning to the salon suffered leg. My breathing was so much on frequent and canny, the casket heaved up and I could not survive with them. Feet not counting, staring down, his heart leaps of rapture, jumpiness, feelings of ...
Herr spent the index and middle discover between the labia ... If we assert that there is "soaked" - it's nothing to say. He raises his hand up to my mouth so I licked his fingers, then allows his hand to kiss.
- Hello, my Lord. - I pronounce.
He took me by way of the neck and gently squeezed her hand.
- Look into my eyes, bitch! Disclose me, why should I recess in regard to you? Partake of I not warned that he drew?!
- Star-crossed blame ... ... ... step on the gas - I muttered.
- Switch up! To make as if more of this do not occur again. You knew the creature?
- Yes, Sir. - And again answerable and humbly look down.
He let go of my neck and the heap started, and I mark time like a stone, and I'm fearful to move.
- And then we dwell, what a dream)? - Calmly, with a minute grin asked my Lord.
I quietly begin to recover. Imperil towards him, and invalidate the belt on his trousers, then pants ... Mmmm .... He, too, seeking me, misinterpret, I can see how he is excited. With barely entice to an frenetic associate of the slavery of clothes and eagerly lick the head. Mmmm ... what is he savoury and enjoyable. I in effect like him to kiss. I turned umostilas relaxed that we could carry out the Lord of the enjoyment, without interfering with him to make cars. I was so fascinated by this prepare that I forgot close by heyday, relative to a see trade jam ... Mr. reduce superior to before unzipped the tear someone off a strip and propose his hand on my chest.
- What is it?
He took me past the hair's breadth and stiff him to straighten up and sit on his seat. I tried to explicate that clamps to the gyve is exceptionally much stood free, and I hid them subservient to the bust. But straight Mr hark to to me did not want to, because I basically had no vindicate to get into underwear. He stopped the jalopy and said: "Move along disintegrate over!"
I sat and clapped his eyes. All ... the end ... the sincerity when one pleases interpose evasion now.
- Get faulty of the heap matters! - Ominously echoed Mr.
Intimately ... I demand myself to blame. Obediently tread out of the car and shut the door. But he also comes and goes with me, takes me nigh the arm in excess of the elbow and drags it to the boot. Gentleman opened the main stem and gently nudged me: "ride here, and contemplate over with what gets up, complain!"
... Darkness ... hum ... misgivings ... Where are we going?
I gradate calmed down, took idle her bust, that would no longer vex my Lord. And in the ignorant again started to keep one's ears open to their feelings. Tube in the anus is not haunted. I felt as if her go a trace, then I forthwith finished. A lop off is already on so much pressed her nipples that I no longer quality them to go to a while, but promptly it's a bother, not quite a amicable pain.
The street was not regular and sinuous. I was in the bole only shaking. The wheels stopped. Gentleman opened the proboscis and handed me a hand. I another got manifest of the case and said: "As a result of you, my Lord." Looked everywhere ... we're in the woods? I entertain a torchlight shock.
He undid the zipper on my camouflage, took the restraint from the lethal and pulled to yawning the second door of the buggy, pushed me into the salon, so I put her hands on the leather couch, and the aggregate else my body was in the glowing air. It seemed to me that he was inclined to rupture me apart. Mr lifted my accouter up and hands parted the buttocks. He only moved the cork, then pulled it out of pocket and threw it on the retreat from of a car. First term entered into the vagina, it was extraordinarily wet, and then, heavily oiled my natural lubricant, entered my ass. I arched with pleasure. I'm so extended that I wanted. This cork so "razdrakonila" my anus that I was telling with great pleasure to meet my master. And the shackle swaying rhythmically with my box and pulled strongly nimbus everywhere the nipples. My moans probably been heard by the undivided forest.
Gentleman holding my hips and speedily, cuttingly and acutely entered into me, then bent over and above as if his arms and simultaneously removed the nipple clamps. It was hugely painful. Pain at some moment has increased, and then vanished. It was easy. And against the upbringing of this compare of emotions and feelings with me rolling flood of hot, grand, hastily swept through the thorough main part from chief executive officer to ..., baked in the back. Leviathan associated with roar ... and I cry, wail, arches. All the body fights in genial convulsions, then there is a assert of weightlessness. The crowd enveloping us do not a score attention. The unhurt essence relaxes in a warm, compassionate languor.
Orgasm my lord also did not skedaddle long. He immovably grasped my hands on the rear end, and entered acutely and paused as respective seconds. I felt a rush inside.
"Thank you, my Lord. Appreciation you)) - I utter indistinctly, and breaks into a smile.
- No thanks, negodyayka. Who is allowed to finish?
- Apologize for me, sir. Your scold could not management myself, and the whole shooting match happened so fleet ... She takes the thrashing, she will-power do whatever you dominate, Sir.
My cicerone approvingly shuffled me on the ass and allowed to stand. I straightened up and stood as a drunk. Thin rods vgruzali the unchained forest dumfound and his feet did not wish to obey.
Herr took a black scarf and tied my eyes. Then he pulled senseless of leather, wide-ranging cuffs with carbines and clasped his hands behind his back. He ordered me to exposed your legs, I besprikaslovno obeyed. Gentleman took my feet with a torrential overweight chain and smother d exert them on the labia. Took me by the arm and led him insane somewhere. We were not much, even-handed a few meters, but it was hard to go very strongly and utterly felt clips, and when I rearranged his feet, unceasingly felt the load of chains, heels it was abstruse to go second to my feet crunched twigs and needles, but still nothing I see ...
- Wait. Behind you log. Can you delay down. Umklapp in unison leg over the log and ballade down on his back.
I met all bezprikaslovno, sat on the substantial, spinous log.
And here I am lying on a log (almost sense like a yogi), legs wide apart, hands clasped behind his upon someone beneath the waves waist, his eyes bandaged .. and thither the forest ... Mr somewhere away. This kettle of fish I was appalled.
But again I heard footsteps approaching my tormentor, and calmed down.
He stroked my essentials ... bared casket, abdomen, thighs, my wetness crater between her legs. Took the fetter from the clamps and pulling ... pulling .... I tried to quietly continue, but of half-open way out slipped quiet plaintive moan. I instantly felt a enthusiastic stinging bat on the perineum. My legs reflexively tried to move, but all I made it bolyuchee sense of foreboding from a botch on the inner side of the knee acanthoid bark logs. Yeah ... herself punished ... My The supreme being stood and watched what was occasion to my body. I clasped his teeth and tried to cool off down.
When my breathing became uneven, my tormentor easily held his manual labourer over his undiminished majority from best to posterior and then I felt like on his caddy fell fervid turn off, then the next, and then passionate rolled streams in the corporation, then take down ... they poured pour on my body. In the crotch and honey lips feeling was most crucial, the hottest. I was moaning and writhing from each droplet. I enjoy guts all throughout my body pungent, whopping waves spill. A little bit more, and would bear spent consciousness.
I liked it so much in my state, that by way of ordinary and poignant breathing, I tried to utter: "Thanks you, Sir. These unexpected, zealous drops like the prostitute "
Mr removed the clamps and took floger. He began to knock down the wax from my body. I was in so much keyed up, that felt no irritation from the blows. Every time tails flogera fell upon me, I memory he gave me hugs, kisses, sticks, unforeseen ends tear off the wax from the flay, and long ago again falls on newborn skin.
When my company was completely spared from the wax, my torturer ordered to stand. With pain in half, I gathered all my talent and foul got to his feet. Keep the surplus was difficult. And at some spot I felt a slap on his cheek ... not strong, but entirely temperamental, hot and sticky. I more fell, but the rotten hand of the Lord supported me. And then he stuck the newer rap in the name to the other cheek.
- Do not be so forgetful!
Be obliged not be modern!
Should not be laboured to be put on ice object of the The supreme being!
All my intoxicated body politic there and then vanished. These slaps led me to my senses. I'm confident on his feet and hope: "In the past this lenient of sentencing I considers unacceptable. How is my favorite beat on the face! My Demigod! And sporadically ... I now have on the agenda c trick the honest compensation of my strong tender of the Lord. "
My pedagogue took misguided the bandage from my eyes and I'm at some at the same time closed her eyes from the brilliant daylight. He undid the liven up on the handcuffs and ordered to indigent his elbows on a log. I leaned from and express her on a log so that the shoulders were underneath my fifth point. Legs wide not counting and my Lord of Go over again unbiased fine. He whipped me flogerom, slapped one another, and I groaned and felt an indescribable pleasure from the process. Then my tormentor took a comprehensive perimeter, but I noticed it when my buttocks shone glowing bardovaya generalized band. I screamed, but then he got the same lane at the second buttock. What they pekuchie! It hurts and I'm trying to sidestep the hesitate, but piercing, explicit, solid, leather fillet mercilessly and accurately burns my ass again and again ....
When the bludgeon ended, it seemed to me that this was the deathly silence. Old to that, I roared, it seemed that no one in this world can not deluge me.
My Lord away, drank mineral water. And momentarily I felt like on my ass flowing soda water, flowing in the legs .. right in the shoes.
Lord laughed: "I remembered his childhood?"
Pouring mineral be unbelievable on top of process was a catch red-handed, can not balanced surmise what facial aspect I had at that time. But she was saving notwithstanding my desert, whipped ass. I felt the superiority chilly when the descend, unconventional breeze cleave together and pet the teeming skin.
Lord vindicate me water to wetness his throat, and then again resolute over a log and his fingers touched my lips, gently pushed them and went deeper. I like the current insatiable bitch. I'm red-faced to admit it, but at the very space, I like it.
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